A Subtle Difference

In a conversation with a friend yesterday regarding home schooling, I described our thinking on the matter in a way I don’t think I have previously. You may recall from previous posts here that to us, home school is not school at home, but more a philosophy… a way of educating. It’s learning from every […]

Control vs. Responding

Not long ago I mentioned that something was stewing in Ye Old Greg’s Head… and indeed it has been. Head, heart, you name it. It seems that many places I turn these days the following thoughts pop in for a visit. Sometimes short, sometimes longer… but seeming to weave their way through a bunch of […]


By a super-bizarre set of circumstances, we stumbled across my first school on Tuesday. I went to kindergarten here in 1980 I believe… That’s a long time ago. I only lasted here 3 weeks before my parents put me in a Christian school. (More advanced educationally… public school wasn’t cuttin’ it.) This is me and […]