Speaking Of Death The difference between not fearing death, and not really living.

A good friend remarked recently that death or dying came up frequently in our family’s conversations. His comment was more a good-natured jab, I think, as we were all enjoying funny thoughts and stories, joking around. But I have thought about that since. I wondered if we perhaps give death—one of God’s enemies, defeated by […]

Twelve Years

This is the week for remembering, it would seem. Just days ago I marked the eleventh year since the start of this blog, and today, August 29th, we passed another special day in our family’s history. In the year 2002, our music had become the primary focus of our days and weeks, and even years. […]

Real Power

Strength. Power. Might. Words that have impact, weight, gravitas. Vivid pictures of great force and ability prominently display on the screen of our minds. Big, overwhelming, unstoppable, unbreakable. Powerful. We love strength. We need it. The events of our lives remind us so often that we lack control, ability… power and strength. And so we […]