New Legislation

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Heard on the news today that some state senators introduced a bill to impose further restrictions on snowmobile users. More laws. More restrictions. More legislation. The news piece cited the two deaths this past year as the reason for the new laws.

OK, now every life is important. Every life has value. But TWO PEOPLE? Two people who were either doing something their common sense should have told them not to do, OR, two people who chose to OVERRIDE their common sense (we DO have free will, if I recall…..) and ended up paying for it with their lives.

Is that sad? Yes. Does that require lawmakers to enact more legislation? Absolutely not. Why do we think people are so incapable of making decisions without having laws to “make” the decisions for them? What happened to personal responsibility? What happened to letting people make their own decisions, even if they’re bad ones?

Why must we regulate EVERYTHING?

I………. love New Yorrrrrrk…..

Read the story here.


  1. Oh come on, THINK man! This isn’t about deaths – this is about tax dollars. They need more money – and the whole article talks about how you have to join a club (with membership fees) or pay a higher fee for the privilege to snowmobile. Either way they get more money.


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