Redefining Contrived

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OK… so I have heard from several people on this idea of what we call “christianity” being contrived, and I figured I need to clarify what I am saying. (Perhaps that is not possible, but I thought I might try) 🙂

One thing I mentioned to a friend in the course of our e-mail conversation was that it seems to me that when issues arouse such strongly held opposing ideas, often that may indicate that there is no right or wrong answer. That perhaps God has left this issue open to individual choosing? Just a thought. I know it’s not universally true, but there may be some wisdom in it. God has definitely given us freedom to be different. 🙂 And perhaps on issues where there is such a clear divergence of opinion… it is the way he designed it to be.

That said, I wanted to clear up what I was trying to say, and answer at least one question that I received by email.

Contrived has been used as created and spontaneous as reactive. I wonder then if from God’s view His actions are contrived including His great plan of salvation and Christ’s teachings to become “Christlike”. If that premise has truth then when we want to be Christlike as a Christian and follow His way, are we truly being contrived in our actions or are they in God’s view a spontaneous reaction to His plan?

Now, while I understand where this sentiment may have come from, it is entirely not what I am talking about 🙂

The only thing I am calling contrived is where we deliberately plan some event to invoke a spiritual connection/response from all of those in attendance. All of the pieces are cleverly arranged to help people think or feel a certain way. It’s like a TV show, just with better content. (Perhaps a live theater presentation would better describe it, though not necessarily today… we were at a weekend event recently where a good portion of the teaching was done by way of a prepared video. It was kinda cool.) 🙂

So, please understand me again. I do not think that the contrived will produce evil. I do not think that it is evil. I (personally) think there may be a way that produces more freedom in individual lives, but that’s all I am saying.

(Remember, this started when I was talking about camp, and how it’s a whole week of make-believe… and how the camp planners and organizers and people who carry out the plans all say (even at the week of camp) that this feeling won’t last… when you go back to “the real world”… so you have to try harder, do something different. But really, that feeling is just contrived. It is a result of the direct efforts of an entire world created to achieve that one purpose (moving people’s hearts and minds toward a certain understanding of who God is.))

One more time. I don’t think that people who want to have a structured daily life with God are living contrived lives. I don’t think that if we put any planning into anything that it is by that effort now “contrived”. I am mainly speaking to the stuff that we do from the stage. Whether it be music, drama, or teaching. Or anything.

And, once more, the definitions:

  • Deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously; giving a sense of artificiality.
  • Create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.

So please don’t think that if you have a vibrant connection with God and you attend such gatherings once a week and/or once a year that I think in any way that your relationship with God is contrived. I think if that is all you do, it might be. But if you can describe your connection with God as a relationship, and especially a thriving, vibrant one… then all the rest of the stuff is bonus.

Just enjoy every day in him. You don’t have to perform for him, or for anyone else. He loves you because he made you and you are worth his own life. Simple words because we have heard them before, but they are profoundly true.

I still agree with everything that I have posted here, but I just wanted to (1) clarify and (2) remind everyone that this is simply my opinion, and where God is leading me at the moment, and if it rings true… let’s talk! If it does not, we can still talk, or, you can just ignore me! 🙂 But please do not be offended, or feel like if you feel differently than me that you are wrong or in any way less than me. You are not. If he wants you to see life similarly to me, God will work that in your heart. Not me. I am just happily following God on a journey to know him better, and equally happy to share my thoughts as I process them along this journey.

I am glad you’ve joined me. And looking forward to more.

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