Oh, To Be Noticed

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Julia & DadA few times today I noticed my infant daughter, and recognized her with a smile or just by saying her name. Obviously it was just a small gesture of kindness, but for some reason, it means the world to her. Maybe especially from Dad? But regardless of the one who is noticing, it was very easy to see that she enjoys being noticed.

Don’t we all? Even from such an early age, to be recognized just for being… it can be a lonely world inside yourself. So, to have another person stop what they are doing and focus their attention on you, even if only for a moment… it stirs up some pretty exciting emotions in my daughter, let me tell you! 🙂 She starts bouncing, and smiling so hard it seems her mouth might expand right off her face! It makes her day when you just notice her.

I thought that was cute. I hope to have many chances to “notice” her tomorrow. You should try it, too. I’m sure there’s someone tomorrow whom you will come across that you could “notice” with a smile, or a greeting, or even a conversation. I don’t know if it will make their day like it does Julia’s, but I’m sure it will be appreciated.

That’s why there are books about purpose and significance and all that jazz… it’s what we want. Maybe what we were made for. The cool thing is, we are noticed. Our Father notices everything about us. Our first, our last, and every moment in between. It’s easy to miss that sometimes. We feel unnoticed. Unimportant. Not sure if that’s what my 8 month old daughter feels, but it sure lights up her world – and her face! – when she does realize that she is significant enough to draw my attention, even for only a few seconds.

It does make a difference. It will be noticed.


  1. I can definitely identify in more than one way.

    One way is–Lakelan does the same thing when Paul notices him. I think it is a Dad thing. I think he knows mom is mostly always around and available but when Dad shows up, and smiles at him, and plays with him, WOW! The whole smiling, bouncing etc that you described happens. It is quite cute 🙂

    Another way is–Ever since I was a child I have craved being “noticed” ,being cared about, being listened to.
    I suppose I’m still craving that. To a degree I know that my Father knows me and notices me and listens to me. But then there is something about being noticed by your “fellow man”.Something about being recognized with your good and bad qualities, with your strengths and weaknesses. Maybe it goes beyong being noticed, maybe it’s about being loved.


  2. It is the same with our puppy … I sure hope that’s not like an insult or anything. But it’s almost creepy how much Wisdom is like a little kid. She does exactly what Lakelan and Kirsten do – she gets SO excited when either of us – but especially I – notice her. So excited that her body contorts into this funny shape and her tail starts smacking her face it’s wagging so hard. She clears our coffee table on a regular basis because she got excited about something. So cool …


  3. HA HA I think that’s why the say dogs are “man’s best friend”. They have that same need we have to be loved on, played with, and yes, BE NOTICED!!

    Of course, Mr. Campbell here would probably not agree on the dog thing 😉


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