Six Miles Of Fun

Estimated reading time: 3 minute(s)

After realizing that life has been going a bit too fast for the Campbells recently, we decided to make sure last weekend was left completely open and free. Me being somewhat subdued by a head cold did help that a bit, but we really did a good job of having nothing scheduled for the entire weekend.

So after sleeping in a bit on Saturday morning, I thought it might be a good day to try something we’d been wanting to do for a long time. We live right near the Erie Canal, and regularly walk to a park about one mile from our house on a path that goes right beside parts of the canal. We call it the waterfall park because there is a man-made waterfall there that is fun and different. And it’s just a fun place to go spend some time playing.

Well, just beyond the waterfall, the trail continues down route 31, right along the canal, toward the next town over, Macedon. Just under 2 miles from the Waterfall Park is our nearest McDonald’s eatery. So, we thought it would be a really fun day to head out one day, via the Waterfall Park all the way to the McDonald’s… about a 3-mile trip one way. Obivously with tiny kids, that takes a looong time… so we just never did make it happen.

Until Saturday.

We left with the notion of just going as far as we could. I didn’t tell Jen my idea because with her it’s sometimes easier to take little steps than to say let’s go walk six miles!! 🙂 I was right. There was a bit of hesitation since (dumb Dad) I forgot the diaper bag with a bottle for the baby. Oops! Well, no worries… we’d figure something out. Julia would be fine.

We had a BLAST! At the very beginning of the trail, there was a guide telling us little facts and history behind the Erie Canal and local plant life and animal life. That was cool. Then, we tosssed the football along the way to the boys as the path widened here and there. We looked at all sorts of different plants and trees… there was some good fall color along the way. We sang songs, we each took a turn saying what we like best about our family… We just had a BLAST!

There are benches along the way, so sometimes we would stop for a quick break. When the path opened up to a BIG grass field… we took a break and played some football. We tossed pebbles in the canal. We met several friendly people (most of them with dogs) along the path. It was GREAT!!!

We splurged at McDonald’s and had a great lunch. Julia got to try their fruit and yogurt cup. She loved it!! All was very well. We were refueled for the trip home.

So, we left somewhere between 10:30 and 11:00am… and didn’t get back home till somewhere around 4pm!!! We were definitely all tired… but it was one of the most fun days we Campbells have had. Can’t wait to do it again!

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