Memorial Day Weekend

Estimated reading time: 4 minute(s)

Wow! What a crazy weekend! (You know it has to be if I’m writing about the weekend that WAS on WEDNESDAY!!)

I certainly don’t have time to detail all the fun that was had over the long weekend right here, but the brief recap is…

Friday we gave our vocal chords a rare work out again as we sang for Impact Theatre in Palmyra. It was great fun. We scared the people running it when we showed up about 40 min before “go time”. 🙂 We did a totally unplugged concert, and that was actually really nice. Much more intimate. At God’s prompting (I’m pretty sure) I spoke about the power Shame can have over us, and how God defeated that at the cross as well as sin and death. Shame hinders us from being open with each other, ourselves, and especially God. It’s a powerfully binding thing. It was neat how all of my songs seemed to highlight that, and God definitely prompted me to talk about that. Had a few good conversations following our singing re: that, too.

Friday night we kept our friends’ three little girls overnight. It was their baby’s first time away from Mom overnight! Yikes! (Didn’t know that when we “signed up”!) 🙂 They did great, we had a blast, and we shared lunch with their whole family the next afternoon. That night we did some yard work, then headed out for some needed grocery shopping. I think we even watched a show when we got home… the Dukes of Hazzard!!! 🙂 Full day… second late night for the kiddos in a row!

Sunday I got up fairly early to mow, and then clean up the basement (had been wanting to for a while) before heading over for Memorial Day celebrations with family in Clarence, NY. We had lunch with Jen’s family… hung out… played a bit. Then met my sister at a park (she and her family were in town from DC, visiting her in-laws), then had dinner with them and some other friends. THEN, we went over to her in-law’s place and enjoyed a bonfire with them. Sticky marshmallows! Ian even roasted a twizzler! 🙂

An hour and a half after leaving Clarence, we were home… another late night for the kiddos… and Mom & Dad!

Monday started a little later than normal… except the Parade (not sure it deserves a capital “P”) started at 9am, so we woke up the boys, and found spots on our porch to take it all in. It started right at our house! And lasted about … a minute. 🙂 After that big excitement, I worked a short day in the office (knowing I was going to miss most of Tuesday) and then we met up with some friends (the same ones from the beginning of this post) for a Memorial Day evening party. Lots of food, lots of friends (some regulars, some new, and even some very old friends!) Had another camp fire… marshmallows, smores.. etc.

Another late night… man, we were tired!!!!

Tuesday I got up early to get some office work done, then we packed up and headed out just before noon (I think) for a homeschool curriculum sale. Jen was peddling her wares (lots of books and curriculum stuff she has either used or found at thrift stores, etc) and trying to find good deals at the same time. We took the two boys, and had a good time to be sure. Met up with some friends there. (Yes, including the same ones from Friday night, Saturday lunch, and Monday night!) Jen sold some stuff, but not as much as she would have liked…

We came home, I hit the office for a little over an hour… and we headed out to catch Jen’s brother and family in a softball game! They did great! We saw lots of friends there, including the ones I have mentioned fifteen times in this post… (Hey Vs!) 🙂 Grandma & Grandpa even came over from Clarence! So we went out with Jen’s fam after it was all over to get some ice cream treats at McDonald’s 🙂 Fun night. Late night.

Another late night for the kiddos… and this time, I stayed up reading a book (after watching a video we had gotten from our friends, the Vs…) until about 2:30am!!! Wow. I’m crazy!

Today started at 7:15am, so I could be awake to play basketball at 8am with … the SAME FRIENDS… 🙂

And now… I have work to do.

All of that (and the stuff I left out) is why I am feeling particularly tired right now. 🙂

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