My Music

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

More than a dozen years ago now I started writing songs. Sorta out of the blue. (Yes, Mom, I do remember the songs I was writing when I was eight years old, but really… the first real songs I started writing were a bit later in life, and seemed to be “out of the blue”.)

At first these “OOTB” songs were a neat time for me to reflect on God and for me to express my heart to him. But slowly I began to share them with other people. A song here and there “at church”, and then for my college floor-mates (I still remember Brian loving the song What You Say, and predicting it would be “a hit”.) 🙂

Eventually, we formed a band and made a cd. And for a time, that was that.

We went separate ways after college, and I continued to write songs, but used them in public a bit less. Even less when Jen & I were married as she had a strong aversion to them. No worries, it was fun while it lasted…. let’s move on.

But God wanted something different. I could not put them down. I was compelled to use them. For other people. And use them we did. Listening to God in that moment (and watching him lead Jen toward the same thing) led to some six or seven years of full-time music traveling across the entire United States, and recording some five, six or seven albums.

Then in 2005, again at God’s leading, it just stopped. Check out the “past events” at the calendar page on our website. Incredibly sparse over the last two years! (Compare it to 2002-2004!) So it would seem that at least for the time being, God does not have a use for my music.

Or does he?

Two nights ago, as I was saying good night to the girls, I just sat down next to Kirstie’s bed and stayed there. She asked me what I was doing and I said, “I just wanted to stay here a while. I don’t have anywhere to go right now, so I wanted to stay with you.” She smiled a big “I love you” smile, and after a little pause she asked, “Dad, can you sing us a song on your guitar?”

“Not tonight, Kirstie. I don’t have a song tonight.”

“Can you sing the ‘Lay your head on your pillow’ song?” she asked, again with a big “I love you” smile. Now, it took me a second to remember what she was talking about, but it really was a song. A song I had sung once for the girls… about TWO MONTHS AGO. 🙂 I just brought my guitar in the room and made up a song, as I am wont to do for the girls, and the boys.

And she remembered.

At that moment I realized that God is still using my music. But instead of audiences across the country, and indeed the world, the audience is my four beautiful kids.

My little girl is listening, and loves her Daddy’s songs.

Could it be any better?


  1. Ha! Awesome. Well, you weren’t strummin’ the guitar, but your roomie was blastin christian death metal (but maybe not at 4am…) 😉

    And, you were right about the song, too. It has been one of the most well-received, most requested songs over the past dozen years. Nice ear. 🙂


  2. Sounds like our house. We have moved from “Duke’s Stories” to “will you play the piano and sing for us?” So the girls go to sleep listening to one or both of us playing and singing. God is using our music!! 🙂


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