Polygamists and Government

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

I wanted to comment on the incident that took place recently in Texas, where authorities stormed a private ranch and took everyone by force, separating kids from their families, and all sorts of very not-American things. It just made me sick when I heard about it.

I am not a polygamist. But I am a “libertarian”. Not by political affiliation, by principle. We here in America (according to the Declaration of Independence) feel that all are created equal and should inherently be free. Especially freedom of religion. Now, that can make you do some kooky things. And you should have the freedom to do kooky things. You can’t force other people to, and there are weird lines there when religion is involved, but in general, I’m against the government deciding what’s too kooky.

For the second time this week I am linking to a column by Bob Lonsberry, local radio talk show personality. He’s abrasive and a bit crazy sometimes, but sometimes can be poignant and present very valid points. He wrote what I wanted to (with much more information that I had) regarding the state seizing not only the ranch and the people, but their children and “relieving” the parents of their parental rights. All of them. As a group. Before proving any sort of guilt.


We’re pretty kooky in our own right. We Campbells. We don’t do things like most people. In most ways, I think that makes us stand out in a good way. But what if the government were to catch wind of our crazy thinkings? You mean, they don’t really do school (like we do) with their kids… they just learn from every day as it unfolds?? or… Well, this won’t happen yet, but, You mean they are Christians, but they don’t attend any church services of any kind??? There are many more ways we’re “different”… and we are raising a family of people to be “different”. Where is it OK for the government (local, state, federal) to decide that our “different” has crossed some line and now our children are unsafe?

I might be drawing conclusions that are too extreme, but really… it’s scary. What happened in Texas should not have happened in America, and I think we will continue toward this style of governing until all of our liberties are taken away. That’s quite pessimistic, coming from my mouth… but unfortunately it’s not just our politicians, it seems decades of cultural thought has already moved us far down that path of trusting “experts” and “institutions” more than individuals.

Quite sad.

So, for now, we Campbells will keep being kooky, and loving everyone God places in our path. (Including each other!) 🙂

related links
ABC News


  1. Some valid points. Not to join either side of the issue, do you think “kooky-ness” can go too far. Is there a point in which a groups decisions based on their religious beliefs has gone too far? For example, if they begin to effect others outside of their group or if the “kooky-goings-on” effects the children in a negative way.


  2. Hey Joe
    Yes, obviously, one of the roles of authorities and law enforcement in particular is to protect people from harm. So, if there is imminent danger (I’d say, threat of physical harm or life-threatening) then they can use their best judgment on an individual basis. Or if there is a legitimate request for help, it should be investigated.

    The sad part here is that the request that was acted upon was apparently not legitimate. They can’t find the girl or the person who was accused of abuse.

    The even sadder part is that everyone who was living on the property was punished for the allegation – where is the due process? Seriously. This is just scary. 🙁

    It can still be corrected if the people are given their freedom again, kids returned to their parents, and the subsequent investigation runs the proper course.

    Still, it’s frightening to me that a larger group (or the authorities that supposedly “represent” that larger group) can tell a smaller “kooky” group what they can and can not do (on their own, of their own choosing) just because that larger group deems it “past the edge” in kookiness.

    Then, there are certainly tons of gray areas when it comes to the kids. But the not gray area for me is that the government, the authorities, nor any group or institution should tell individual families how to raise their kids, or in what environment to do so. That is way overstepping privacy of the individual, and unless the child’s life is in imminent danger… that’s just such a slippery slope. It really, really is.


  3. Hey Greg,
    I’m with you on this one. I’ve had some of the same thoughts…a very disturbing situation.

    on another note:
    It’s funny to think that Bob Lonsberry is “local” for you-he’s on a local station here in UT too. Gotta’ remember he actually lives in NY. 🙂


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