On Restructuring Large Government

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Another quote from the book I am currently reading, this time referencing several (failed) attempts (or non-attempts) to restructure an overly large, lethargic, unproductive government. This quote is regarding an attempt in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan:

“The Grace Commission,” Created by Ronald Reagan

This commission was tasked to work “like tireless bloodhounds” looking for ways to get the government “off the backs” of the American people. their report to President Reagan summarized their findings:

“We came up with 2,478 separate, distinct, and specific recommendations… for practical purposes, these savings if fully implemented, could virtually eliminate the reported deficit by the 1990s versus an alternative deficit of $10.2 trillion in the decade of the 1990s if no action is taken.

Equally important, the 2,478 cost-cutting, revenue-enhancing recommendations we have made can be achieved without raising taxes, without weakening America’s needed defense build-up, and without in any way harming necessary social welfare programs.”

And? What happened? Hellooooo? Was anyone in Congress listening or were they all too busy looking for ways to spend more money?

How sad. The book has given example after example of any business that government is financially responsible for failing miserably. Losing millions and even billions of dollars. The post office, AmTrak, etc. The biggest failure perhaps being the ridiculous deficits and ever-growing debts.

Over the years, many attempts were made at eliminating some of the bureaucracy that at best slows down (usually cripples) the federal government and its programs … but they failed, or were not even attempted. (Never made it through the system they were attempting to correct, I suppose.)

The author concludes with this:

I think it might be time for Grace Commission Part II… and I nominate Ted Nugent and Chuck Norris to head it up. I dare Congress to get in their way.

Bonus! We could rework some of those famous Chuck Norris facts to be “Nugent/Norris Committee Facts.” For example: “There’s no such thing as government bureaucrats—just a list of politicians Nugent and Norris have allowed to live.”

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