Mortimer The Frog

Several years ago, I thought I’d try my hand at writing a few children’s tales. I had some ideas and just went for it. Some were your typical light and fluffy kid fare, others were more moral-of-the-story kind of tales, and also a bit lengthy.

Then there was Mortimer The Frog.

I just remembered these stories this week, and then read it to our two youngest tonight before bed. They actually really enjoyed it (though they wished there were pictures to go along with it). It kept their attention, and I loved hearing their thoughts after it was over 🙂

So, making its public debut here at … Mortimer The Frog:

Mortimer The Frog

On a day like this, the bog is the best place to be. Everything is so quiet and still, all that you hear are the tiny bugs flying lazily from place to place before they land right in a hungry frog’s belly. Yes, the life of a frog is really quite good.

But sometimes, even the best frogs make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes hurt! That’s what happened to Mortimer. We’ll call him Mort, for short.

Mortimer was the oldest of three little froglets. He had a younger Brother Frog and a younger Sister Frog. They all lived in the bog together, enjoying the quiet and eating as many bugs as they could catch with their nice long tongues.

But Mort felt like he wanted to do more. He liked his life with his Mom Frog and his Dad Frog, and his Brother and Sister Frogs, but sometimes he wished his Mom Frog or his Dad Frog wouldn’t always tell him what not to do. They always had something to say to him like, “Mort, don’t jump on those flowers!” or, “Mort, don’t go too far from the bog!” or, “Watch out, Mort! That is a slippery log!”

Mort got tired of always listening to his Mom Frog and his Dad Frog. He was tired of being a good example for his baby Brother and Sister Frogs. So one day, he decided to see what would happen if he didn’t listen to what his Mom Frog had said.

“Don’t go past that log over there, Mort. You need to stay on this side of the log in the bog.”

All Mort could think about after his Mom Frog said that was what might be on the other side of that log? What could it be that worried his Mom Frog so? It couldn’t be that bad, now could it?

When Mom Frog was tending to the other froglets, Mort took a chance and hopped as quietly as he could over to the log.

Flop-Plop. Flop-Plop.

It was a big log. It was covered with slippery moss. It was even hollow to explore on the end. It looked like a lot of fun to Mort! What could be so dangerous?

So Mort poked his head in the log and found some delicious looking bugs crawling around. With a few swift shots of his tongue, he found himself a nice afternoon snack! This was the life! Out on his own, doing what he wanted, eating bugs no one else knew about… what more could a young frog want?

After he had explored every nook and cranny of that hollowed out log, he hopped outside again and thought, “I wonder what is on the other side of this log? It couldn’t be the bad now, could it?”

Once again, he decided that his Mom Frog must be thinking about something else. This all seems so good and so fun! He knew she loved him, so she would want him to have fun. “She just didn’t know that the log was perfectly fine!” Mort thought, “There’s no danger here! I’ll hop around the other side and tell her all about it when I get back! She’ll be so happy for all the fun that I have had!”

So on he hopped. Past the corner of the hollowed out log. Past the confines of their quaint little bog. No one there, just Mortimer Frog.

Just then he heard a strange voice say, “Hellooo there! What a surprise to see such a nice young frog on this side of the log outside of the bog!”

When Mort turned around, he saw a big friendly snake, wearing a grin.

“My Mom Frog told me I shouldn’t go out here, but it seemed to me to be not only safe, but great fun as well! And I know my Mom Frog wants me to have fun…” Mort said it almost as though he was convincing himself that he was right.

“Oh yessss,” came the happy snake’s reply. “Mom Frogs sometimes just don’t know what’s on the other side of the log outside the bog. If they knew, they would definitely want their young frogs to be out here having fun! That’s what we do on this side of the log!”

“I can see! I have had so many delicious bugs, and explored places I never knew were there! What a great day!”

“And all because you decided for yourself, and went your own way, instead of listening to your Mom Frog, and what she had to say,” offered the sly snake.

“Why don’t you come over here and let me show you some more fun things on this side of the log?” invited the still grinning snake.

“Sure!” said Mort. He was so excited about his adventures on his own, he wasn’t even thinking at all about what his Mom Frog had warned about going past the log outside the bog.

The snake went down the hill a bit, past another log, “It’s not far now,” he said, and stopped at the edge of a big rock.

“Come over here, there’s something I want to show you.” said the snake, with his wide, scaly grin.

Mort happily hopped to the edge of the rock. He was so free! His choices were his own! His Mom Frog and Dad Frog would be so proud when he got home!

But as Mort reached the edge of that rock past the log that was outside the bog, he learned the reason his Mom Frog had said, “Don’t go past that log over there, Mort. You need to stay on this side of the log in the bog.”

Mort did not know what his Mom Frog had known. Outside the bog, on the other side of the log, are the snakes. Snakes who eat frogs.

The snake still wore his grin, as he slithered away. He had a belly full of Frog that day. That sly snake was mighty happy the day that Mortimer Frog decided to do things his way!

Birthday Season (And Sabbatical)

Birthday season is upon us here in the Campbell home. Today is the first of three birthdays in two weeks. We’ll be celebrating it up in our typical style—the birthday girl will be well-celebrated!

(If you’d like to read the story of her very first birthday, please do…)

So, with that information in hand, I have another announcement, of sorts. This post will be the end of one (minor) experience—experiment?—and the beginning of another.

If you’ll recall, I began posting a column a day back on December 31st. (I first realized I was doing that somewhere in mid January, and kinda went with it.) It’s been a very interesting experience for me in that it ensures that I am writing—writers love deadlines!—and when I am writing, I am thinking. And when I’m thinking, well, that seems to be when I process life the best. (And for me, that’s a good thing.)

So I’m not really stopping … and don’t hold me to that, ’cause I probably won’t…

But I need a break.

Not really from the writing. That’s always a nice respite, a good outlet, and just enjoyable. Really I need a break in order to do other things. Writing, as great as it may be, is taking time. Which means it’s coming out of time I could give to other things.

Like reading. (You’ll recall that my reading list is rather lengthy!) And from my kids. And from my work. And from other good things to do in life. (There are many!)

So for now, I’m going to take a sabbatical. Not sure for how long, but I’m thinking the two weeks of Birthday Season.

For you daily readers, you’ll get a nice break to read some other stuff, too. For the more casual visitor to, may I suggest a stroll through the previous sixty days, and then keep going. There are nearly eight and a half years of blog posts on this website… over 675,000 words… bound to be something that’ll catch your fancy in there. 🙂

I look forward to this break to refresh and increase the intake.

See you on the other side.

(If not before.)

Strange Things People Search For

Google Search Terms from Google AnalyticsIt’s always fascinating to me to see the various ways people find this website.

First, of course, are direct visits: people using bookmarks or typing in “” into their browser’s address bar. Then, I know that the main referrer of visitors to is Some of that is from links shared by others, some shared by me directly, and probably the majority of it is from the automated daily syndication to the Facebook page ( of the content originally published here.

Then of course you have the search engines. That’s where it gets interesting! There are of course the standard search terms like, my name, “greg campbell blog”, even just “greg’s head”, and other obvious search phrases. But the best ones are (in the case of this website) the most curious, and, oddly, most common ones clicked through.

Nowadays, these sorts of things can be tracked using fancy do-hickeys and other such thingamajigs. (Otherwise known as Google Analytics, among others.)

Here’s a brief list of the Top 8 Search Phrases and the Posts They Link To from the past three months.

8. “Clean Your Bombilla”

You might not even know what a “bombilla” is, but apparently someone does! And, somehow this person must have had the same problem as me. Unfortunately, I’m not sure they got much help from my post about cleaning your bombilla… I just realized that it’s a good idea to do it! Good to know other yerba mate drinkers are stopping by for a cyber visit, though!

GH Post: Clean Your Bombilla

7. “Why Does Everyone Hate Glenn Beck?”

I have been a Glenn Beck listener and fan for well over a decade… which is well before most people decided to hate him. I think there were plenty of people who hated him, just not an entire segment of the population. 🙂 Well, it really did fascinate me back in 2010 (when the hatred was really ramping up) just how vile and personal many of the attacks on him were becoming. The article actually becomes much less about Mr. Beck, and more about how we (especially Americans) treat each other, and even more, how much—or little—we listen to each other.

GH Post: Why Does Everyone Hate Glenn Beck?

6. “Types of Sucker Fish”

Now this one is interesting, because it was the subject of a recent “From The Archive” post. Apparently, the way people get to this website from that search phrase is not really much of anything from the story (the word “type” is used once), rather, somehow the photo of our beautifully little sucker fishy is the third result out of about 214,000 results for that search phrase. Fascinating! Well, the curious Knowledge Seeker may not learn much about the various types of sucker fish, but they got an entertaining story about how indestructible those little “suckers” are! 🙂

GH Post: Super Sucker Fish!

5. “Hiccough Etymology”

My favorite part about this one is not that the article I wrote and posted is, at this point, becoming quite dated (though, with this subject, I suppose that is rather irrelevant) … it’s that the search term is “hiccough” not “hiccup”! Who spells it “hiccough”??? I guess I did… Click the link and learn what many (apparently) are yearning to know…

GH Post: The Etymology of The Word “Hiccough”

4. (Tie) “Spiral Illusion” and “Focus On The Dot”

Technically, these are #4 and #7, respectively. And interestingly enough, the lower one on the list (“focus on the dot”) maintains the Search Visitor’s interest the most of any other search phrase. (That means, those who click through to after searching for those words, click through most often to more pages on this website. Crazy what they can track, huh?) This particular post (below) is discovered, like the Sucker Fish post, by a Google Images search. And the best part of all, the post was originally “inspired” by an email forward from my Dad! Nice!

GH Post: Illusions, and maybe also Optical Illusions


(Are you excited? On the edge of your seat??)

3. “Random Bible Verse Generator”

Really??? #3 is in reference to a very short post from 2008 where I offer a link to a small widget I discovered that displays a random verse from the Bible upon every page load. (You can see it near the bottom of the first of the two sidebars to your right, if you are on the main website…) It would seem that others, even to this day, are in dire need of a random Bible verse generator. Thankfully, they have this 4-year-old post below to guide their way! 🙂

UPDATE, MAY 2012: The creators of this widget emailed me this week and they are discontinuing the service. This post has been removed from… where are people going to find their random bible verse generator??! 🙂

2. “Thomas Jefferson Rules To Live By”

My favorite part about number two on the list is that this post wasn’t even (mostly) something I wrote! I saw it on a friend’s blog and really liked it (was also reading a bunch of Thomas Jefferson’s writing at the time) and so I shared it on my blog. AND, apparently, it is needed information! (They really are quite interesting, and helpful… click below and read/re-read for yourself.)

GH Post: Ten Rules To Live By — Thomas Jefferson


1. “Steve Burns”

Yes! The Steve Burns, aka Steve from Blue’s Clues! Having young kids in the house, we of course have seen our share of the animated blue puppy and her friendly owner, Steve. But, we, like apparently many other folks on the interwebs, were uncertain as to why he so quickly left the fame and fortune of this quite popular preschooler’s TV show, and needed to find out. After a bit of incredibly investigative journalism, Steve Burns current location was discovered and shared! And search after search keeps bringing people to this site to discover the truth: Steve is alive and well! 🙂 You know you’re curious, too …

GH Post: What Ever [sic] Happened To Steve?

And there you have it! The most recently popular search terms bringing people to the pages of this site.

What is the number one overall search term? By far it’s #3 above. But curiously, the #2 overall search phrase (since I began tracking with Google Analytics in 2007) is “fundamental transformation of america” which links people (most likely) to a post I am particularly fond of, actually, titled, The (True) Fundamental Transformation of America.

Now that you have enough reading for the week… better bookmark this post!


[RCS] WP Word Count

Welcome to another edition of RCS:

Really Cool Stuff!

One of the things I most love about WordPress is the huge variety of plugins made available by the creative open source community using and developing for this platform. I switched my blog over a few years ago, and I’m still quite glad I did.

(In fact, I use the WordPress CMS—Content Management System—for many of the sites I build for clients these days. Check out a few of them here.)

As you are composing articles, WordPress tracks words per post by default. You can monitor the total at the lower left corner of the content box. Since I’ve been trying to publish one post per day I thought it would be good to limit those posts to no more than 1,000 words per day. Thus, I’ve been watching the word count closer than normal.

I recently thought it would be interesting if there was a plugin that would aggregate all these word counts into larger categories. If you’re a WordPress user, you’re saying with me, “There has to be a plugin for that!

And of course, there is!

WP Wordcount is just the tool. It lets me see the total words published per month, all-time, and breaks it down into published and draft posts even. And I thought the top ten posts by word count was interesting to see, too. (My two longest posts were the birth stories of two of our sons, Ian and Cameron.)

So, if you’re looking to add some fun stat-tracking to your site, I recommend checking out WP Wordcount (I believe there are also widgets you can show publicly on your site, too.)

Wordcount for this post: 280


GregsHead on Facebook

Greg Campbell - - BlogFor a few years now I’ve been trying different ways to share content from this site with friends and others on Facebook. First, back in the day, I imported RSS items as “Notes”. That presented a few problems as some items (videos in particular) were not imported, and I think some of the notes were truncated. I only learned that after many incomplete posts. It was like I never finished a story! 🙂

Then I found NetworkedBlogs, an app that was more feature-ful, allowing me to have people sign up to follow my blog on Facebook. It would also automatically post the blog as a link on my Facebook wall. Neat. And better still, you could see all the formatting of my site (including the missing items from the first way mentioned above.)

The one drawback was that (at least originally) people needed to allow access to their information in order to “follow” me using this app, and I wasn’t sure if anyone was even seeing the posts anyway since it wasn’t me, but an app that was posting the links.

So, I decided to make a page for my head!

The official Facebook page is conveniently located in your browser at (Easy enough to remember…) My plan is to not only more easily promote content from this site via that page (the daily posts) but also to have some other fun interactions there like a quick link, a video, a follow up on something I wrote about on the blog.

It’ll be like the bonus coverage for! (I know… it’s what you’ve always wanted.)

Also, I do plan to offer a way to purchase my three published books there, as well as any that I may publish in the future.

It’s your one-stop-Greg-the-writer shop! (Again, definitely what you’ve always wanted… right?) 🙂

If you are encouraged, challenged, inspired—or, confused?—by things you’ve read here, and you’re a Facebook user, I’d appreciate you “liking” my page and joining in the additional conversation there. It will be a nice way to keep in touch, keep up to date, and keep … the change?

And of course, feel free to use the convenient “share” and “like” buttons on posts to allow other folks to see things posted here and join in.

Thanks for reading, and I always welcome responses/rebuttals. Now there’s another place to leave them.

[RCS] Ordering Online from Mark’s Pizzeria

Mark's PizzeriaFrom time to time here at, I’ve made a point of sharing things that we’ve come across that are a great value, or just simply worth the price of admission. (There’s even a tag for it.)

Since December 31st, I’ve taken a slightly new approach to producing content for this site. I will be publishing one post per day, rather than several posts whenever—or, no posts ever. So far it’s been great for me to write again (I really do enjoy it) and it also prevents me from overwhelming you, the reader with my writing binges! 🙂

Now that there is a regular schedule of posts, and since I often have recommendations for you of really cool stuff we’ve come across, I decided I’d try to make Sunday’s posts about that very thing: Really Cool Stuff. For short, you’ll see the tag “RCS” before the specific title for the post.

Now, for today’s Really Cool Stuff!

Alright, I may be behind the times, but… ordering pizza online is just so great!! I recently “took the plunge” with our local pizzeria (who has several locations all across western New York) and ordered a sheet pizza online, hoping I could set it to be ready a few hours later in the day.

I could do that, and so much more!

As a web designer, I think I have to say that Mark’s online ordering system lacks a bit in aesthetic and even functional/practical layout, but it definitely does what it needs to do.

Let’s say you’re just ordering a pizza (not any of their other menu items). You choose the size, and then your toppings—which you have full control over with double, light, and half-the-pizza options—and then when you’re ready, you check out. (Mark’s likes coupons, so there are plenty of coupons to choose from in the checkout process, we always get a discount!)

And you also get to choose when you want the pizza to be ready for pickup, or the time you want it delivered. You can add a tip with your online order, too!

I’m pretty sure that I’m never going to NOT order online (from Mark’s) again. And, because they make it so easy (and fun!) that also means we really won’t be ordering any pizza from any other pizzeria. (Unless they offer a similar online ordering system!)

I still prefer ordering food in person, but since you usually order pizza over the phone, anyway, there’s no reason not to give Mark’s online ordering a try! (Unless of course, you’re nowhere near a Mark’s Pizzeria… then it won’t work so well.)

Hope you get a chance to check that out. Maybe today? Sunday is a great day for pizza! (Football games are always better with pizza…) And we’ll have much more Really Cool Stuff for you each Sunday for as long as there’s cool stuff, and!

Enjoy your pizza!

Public Dormancy

This site has been almost completely dormant for quite some time now. There are many factors. Some of which may come out in future postings here, others that will not be shared publicly.

Suffice it to say there has been plenty of thinking, learning, growing going on during this period of public dormancy. I’ve been reading a lot more, as I have said on these pages before, and there has been much focus on figuring out who we are. Individually, and as a family. Not only does that take time, it takes plenty of energy as well. That certainly has limited my abilities to share all that I am learning and pondering on these pages. I have discovered over the past six to eight months that I do not have limitless energy.

(There have been those over the years—myself included—who entertained the possibility that this was indeed the case…)

There are so many stories to tell. God is good, and continues to be so to our family. I love seeing him through the tough stuff. Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds. Not just words. Truth. When we face trials, we first learn more about ourselves and more about life and, hopefully, gain wisdom along the way. But also, we’ve discovered that there is actually more real life to be found in the harder things of life. The “trials”, you might say. Somehow, going through those things with your closest loved ones, and any of those whom God has placed in your life for that season—somehow that deepens the bonds of relationship unlike the good moments that are also shared.

(Thankfully, the good moments become great memories, which also are the jewels of great friendships.)

I am learning to really find peace and strength and rest in every new morning God gives me. Actually, in every moment. When the pressures and stresses of life build up, cumulatively piling on the weight of every decision that has to be made… there is peace in knowing that God is right there with me, that we are going through this together. Trusting his goodness brings a deep peace that is truly beyond understanding. (There’s a neat song that someone once wrote on that subject using the verses in Philippians 4… check it out.) 😉

I know for a fact that it has been a very tough year for several of our close friends. Life is not always (as they say) “sunshine and lollipops”. Are you in a difficult season right now? Would you say you are “facing trials of many kinds”? I hope you can find the peace that our Father promises us. It is ours to have… but it’s definitely not always easy to “find”.

James says:

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

And, don’t forget, Jesus says:

Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.

Life is full of chances to trust him. I think that’s one thing that we in the Campbell house are listening to and learning to live in these days. Even though it seems so backwards, I hope you are finding lots of ways that you need to trust him, to rely on him as well. What seems so hard, often produces such great things.

Consider it pure joy.

Seven Years of Published Words

Sometimes I like dates. Dates are fun. Remembering the date of birth of people you love. Celebrating the date of special events along your path of life thus far, whatever they may be. I even like to celebrate weird holidays like, Flag Day (Jun 14), Canada Day (Jul 1), Boxing Day (Dec 26), and Three King’s Day (Jan 6).

Dates are fun.

Today’s date is August 26th. Somehow this date sticks in my head as a fun day to celebrate. It was the day I first posted to this blog. 🙂

That may not seem significant, but to me, a writer at heart (and in deed?) it seems a day worth celebrating.

Life may be busy these days—no, life is busy these days—and the content may be flowing a bit more slowly at, but there have been a few posts or articles worth reading again.

So what better way to celebrate the passing of another year of published words than to read those published words? Below are a few posts from the past year that, if you have the time, might be worth a second (or third, or fourth) read.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading along these seven years and counting.

Incredible People – William Wilberforce
No Strings Attached
Feeling Loved, and Lovable
The (True) Fundamental Transformation of America
Blessed Are Those Who Want Everyone To Be Treated Right

(There are more, of course… but I’m going to stop with my list. If you’d like to see more, use the Related Posts feature at the end of every post. It’s a pretty nifty little tool!)

You’ll Be Seeing More of Me…

Yesterday was the last class day for a home school group that we’ve been part of this year. Every Monday a couple dozen families or so come together for three classes, a talk about life with God, and some extra time in the gym. (The kids love that part!) It’s a place to connect with lots of other families who are also not sending their kids through the public school system, which is really nice.

If you’re a regular reader of, you’ll already know this about me, but for those who may have just happened by, or are new here…

I’m very weird. 🙂

So, I notice funny things. One such thing was from a conversation yesterday that seemed to suggest that because it was the last day of Monday classes, I would not be seeing a particular person from our group again, presumably until the classes resume again in September!

That was actually so odd to me (since I am, in fact, the one who is odd) that I didn’t even understand that possibility! But after thinking about it a bit, I replied, “But… we’ll still get together…”

What struck me about it afterwards was that I know I used to think that way. I totally did. The sadness (if there indeed was any) of a school year coming to an end was that you wouldn’t see your friends again till the next year. Same with any other programs we are part of. We wish they wouldn’t end, because it means we won’t see those people any more for a while… at least, not regularly.

But why? Why do we live that way? Is it our culture? Our very individualistic society? Are we intentionally only allowing relationships to happen through structures that we have created? What about dropping by a neighbor’s house just to say hello? What about inviting those friends over for dinner? What about inviting them to meet you at a park, or out for a walk with your family, or at the ice cream place?

How about just a friendly phone call for no particular reason at all? Might find out about something that’s going on that you could help with, or just join in on. (With mutual consent, of course… not recommending “crashing” someone’s party.) 😉

I’m fascinated by the way we relate to each other in our society, our culture. We have forgotten the days of knowing and doing life beside our neighbors. We drive to every social club/event/gathering that we do, because they are often not in our local community. And our social interactions are nearly all “scheduled”. Schedules aren’t bad, necessarily, but where’s the freedom to just be friends? Does every interaction have to be for a reason?

Sadly, I think somewhere along the way, I learned that to be true.

Thankfully, somewhere later along the way, I unlearned that.

One thing we try to do as the Campbell family is be available. We really try hard not to plug in to too many things because it will just drive us crazy. Sure there will be fun parts. Seeing lots of people on a regular basis is one of those parts. But the drawbacks are too great. Do you ever feel like your days are all about getting to the next thing or getting the next thing done? Where are the moments to enjoy life? Alone, with God, or together with family and friends?

Not that events are not part of life. That’s not at all what I am saying. But our tendency (at least, speaking for our family a few years back, and even now when we don’t pay attention!) is to say “yes” to every fun opportunity, or even seek out things to be doing. I won’t go into all the possible reasons we busy ourselves so, but it is certainly true of most everyone that I know. So, I’m guessing it is true of you, too.

Groups and events and scheduled gatherings are super great. There are good memories made, and often, good relationships developed. But it just doesn’t end there. In fact, if it does, I contend that you don’t have good relationships (with those people). A friendship is more, deeper. Through good and bad, in meaningful and completely meaningless times. It’s always on. There’s no summer break.

So, to any of our home school group friends who may be reading this… I know that our last day of classes was yesterday, but, I’m fairly certain that if our families have connected, you’ll be seeing more of me. 😉

Related Posts Plug-In

You may have noticed the new look around here. is now a WordPress blog, and is sporting a new customized template, and a couple neat, new plug-ins.

Jen and I spent probably most of an hour tonight making use of the related posts plug-in. It was so fun! We were looking up an old story about Alex (titled, “Our Son, Jake”) and then at the bottom of that post, we decided to click on one of the related posts titles.

Well, about 20 related posts later we decided it was probably time to stop. (But we already plan to do that again!!) 🙂

There are some pretty fun stories from our kiddos through the years. You can also try just browsing the Family category.

Also, another fun part of the new design is the new featured product that loads each time you load a page. Four of our CDs and all three of my books can be purchased from this website now, thanks to another plug-in.

So have some fun poking through the past six years of posts, and some of the new features of the 2010 version of And, lemme know what you think (and any suggestions you may have for more cool plug-ins!)