Current (Ever-Growing) Reading Pile

My pile of books continues to grow. I truly am reading each one of the books I have grabbed from the library, or purchased from Amazon, or had loaned to me by a friend, but…

For some reason, the phrase “your eyes are much larger than your stomach” comes to mind…

In this case, my desire to sit down and read is much (MUCH) larger than my moments to sit down and do so. I am getting moments, though, and thought I’d share a couple of the titles currently in the rotation with you:

  • Thomas Jefferson: In His Own Words
  • Googled: The End of the World as We Know It
  • The Torch of the Testimony
  • Oliver Twist
  • The Misunderstood God: The Lies Religion Tells About God
  • Growing Kids God’s Way
  • A Thomas Jefferson Education
  • Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear
  • The Time Pirate
  • The Age of the Unthinkable

OK, some of those I am only planning to read. (Like… the last four. One I don’t even have in my possession yet!) But the rest are in the current rotation and I’m reading them as much as I can in between many other things. (Some might say I have readers ADD?)

Oliver Twist is a book that I’m reading aloud with the boys. That’s been a lot of fun. Especially after we read the book about George Müller, whose orphanage was visited by Charles Dickens, as they were contemporaries, and Müller was doing simply amazing things for the orphans in England at the time.

Growing Kids God’s Way is a video course, but there’s a book along with it, so I am (along with Jen) reading through that currently.

The Thomas Jefferson books are unrelated, but both are fascinating. The “In His Own Words” book is literally that: a collection of much of the writings of Thomas Jefferson. Fascinating! And the education one is on, well, education, just in a different light. Perhaps I’ll explain more on that later.

If you’re curious… I am trying to build up the library of books I read (and/or will be reading) using a Library plugin for WordPress. You can see the full library here, or see a selected few books in the furthest right column.

All of the books in the collection are linked to Amazon, where you can purchase if you’d like. (Of course, check your local library first, as that’s a fantastic way to read lots of books, then buy the ones you want to read again!) As an associate of Amazon, however, I of course do appreciate any time you click through an Amazon link and make a purchase. 🙂

So… enough typing. Time to get back to reading!

Hope you’ll join me.