What World Are You In?

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

So, I mentioned before that we were watching the Democratic National Convention last week, and that my parents are Super Republicans… those things are both true. And in general, I’d say the majority of the folks we hang out with would tend toward the GOP as the GOP is the more conservative of the parties… I will admit, if I have a paradigm, that is it.

So, with that paradigm, I was watching the DNC and noticed how lost in the Democrat world everyone was! It was sooo crazy! They kept saying things as though they were absolute fact, and… well, they just aren’t. 🙂

Mostly, they would incorrectly state the views/beliefs of “the other” party. (Like, almost villianizing the evil conservatives of the GOP…) Or, they would say things like, “We need to restore trust in the white house” (as though it were gone?) and, “We need to become a united country again, and work hard to repair our image in the international community” (as though we are not? as though it needs repair?)

I am not sure who they are hanging out with, but it was pretty obvious that they are part of a homogenous group of people. 🙂 They really think that EVERYONE doesn’t trust this president. That EVERYONE IN THE WORLD hates the US and can’t wait for that bumbling Texan to be out of the White House. They really believe we are not united because they are surrounded by the nay-sayers…

We see the same thing in churches actually. Oft times the church can become its own little world. Its own kingdom. Where you almost lose touch with reality because everything you do is centered around the programming and schedule of your Church. And that’s sad, cause, well, I think we’re supposed to help the world, not lose touch with it. 🙂

That is an easy thing to do though. We are where we are. That is most likely human nature. We are good at being self-focused. 🙂 But life is bigger than the perimeter of me (that’s a cool line from a cool song by a cool friend of ours Dividing The Plunder) We can think we are seeing the whole picture, but often we are not. And those folks at the convention were a perfect example.

So I encourage you… take an opportunity to walk in someone else’s shoes… see things through someone else’s eyes. Those words are easier to say than to do… but really, could be “eye opening” 🙂

And you may just get a glimpse of what world you are in. 🙂

One Comment

  1. i’ve heard it said you become like the 5 people you hang around the most. maybe we need to find other people to hang with so we’re not all nay-sayers. who knows. but we need to watch being TOO in touch with the world b/c couldn’t that lead to being backslidden and syncretism? (oh brother.)

    thanks for pimpin out DTP. they’d love to know it.


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